[qmeso-seminar] семинар сектора 11 марта
Mikhail A. Skvortsov
skvor at itp.ac.ru
Wed Mar 9 23:36:28 MSK 2016
пятница 11 марта, 15:00, ИТФ
_D. Shapiro_, A. Shnirman and A. Mirlin
Current-phase relation and h/e-periodic critical current of a chiral Josephson
contact between 1D Majorana modes
We explore a long Josephson contact transporting Cooper pairs between 1D
charge-neutral chiral Majorana modes in the leads via charged Dirac chiral modes
in the normal region. We investigate the regimes of transparent and tunnel
junctions implemented in 3D topological insulator/superconductor/magnet hybrid
structures. The setup acts as a SQUID controlled by the magnetic flux enclosed
by the chiral loop of the normal region. This chirality leads to the fractional
h/e-periodic pattern of critical current. The current-phase relation can have
sawtooth-like shape with spikes at unusual even phases of 2\\pi n.
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