[qmeso-seminar] семинар 28 января

Quantum Mesoscopics Dept. qmeso at itp.ac.ru
Wed Jan 26 19:07:14 MSK 2022


пятница 28 января, 16:00, online

Romain Vasseur (University of Massachusetts)

Measurement-induced criticality

An open quantum system is continuously "monitored" by its environment, so its dynamics consists of two competing processes: unitary evolution, which generates entanglement and generically leads to chaotic dynamics, and non-unitary operations resulting from measurements and noisy couplings to the environment, that tend to irreversibly destroy quantum information by revealing it. A minimal model that captures these competing processes consists of a quantum circuit made up of random unitary gates interlaced with local projective measurements. Remarkably, this minimal model undergoes a dynamical phase transition as the rate of measurements is increased. In this talk, I will introduce an exact replica statistical mechanics approach to this problem, and show that the transition is described by a CFT with central charge c=0. I will also present numerical results on the spectrum of this theory using a transfer matrix approach that indicate multifractal scaling of correlation functions at the
  critical point, reflected in a continuous spectrum of scaling dimensions.

(<font color="#ff0000"><b>Необычное время: 16.00!</b></font>)

[Трансляция: https://zoom.us/j/96948399564?pwd=RXlKbW96Qm1tZEV6SHB0Q2JYeTdrdz09]

подробнее: http://qmeso.itp.ac.ru/seminars.php?abstract=true

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