[qmeso-seminar] семинар 25 марта == ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ ВРЕМЕНИ
Mikhail A. Skvortsov
skvor at itp.ac.ru
Fri Mar 25 14:57:56 MSK 2022
По техническим причинам сегодняшний семинар Ирины Бобковой начнется в 15.30 (задержка на 30 мин).
С уважением,
Михаил Скворцов
пятница 25 марта, 15:00, ИТФ
И. В. Бобкова
Magnon-Cooparons in magnet-superconductor hybrids
Generation and detection of spinfull Cooper pairs in conventional superconductors has been intensely pursued by
designing increasingly complex magnet-superconductor hybrids. We demonstrate theoretically that magnons with nonzero
wavenumbers universally induce a cloud of spinfull triplet Cooper pairs around them in an adjacent conventional
superconductor. The resulting composite quasiparticle, termed magnon-cooparon, consists of a spin flip in the magnet
screened by a cloud of the spinfull superfluid condensate. Thus, it inherits a large effective mass, which can be
measured experimentally. Furthermore, we demonstrate that two magnetic wires deposited on a superconductor serve as a
controllable magnonic directional coupler mediated by the nonlocal and composite nature of magnon-cooparons. Our
analysis predicts a quasiparticle that enables generation, control, and use of spinfull triplet Cooper pairs in the
simplest magnet-superconductor heterostructures.
[Трансляция: https://zoom.us/j/96948399564?pwd=RXlKbW96Qm1tZEV6SHB0Q2JYeTdrdz09]
подробнее: http://qmeso.itp.ac.ru/seminars.php?abstract=true
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