[qmeso-seminar] семинар 12 июля
Quantum Mesoscopics Dept.
qmeso at itp.ac.ru
Tue Jul 9 13:54:20 MSK 2024
[ Необычное время: 17:00]
пятница 12 июля, 17:00, ИТФ
Alex Chansky
Topological Hybrid Electron-Hole Superfluid
Electron-hole Cooper pair condensation in a bilayer formed by a topological insulator film and a quantum well leads to
very interesting physics. The helical nature of the Dirac electronic states at the TI surface results in the presence of
two competing degenerate pairing channels. The corresponding paired states have an unconventional symmetry in the order
parameter describing the Cooper pair condensate. They are topologically distinct and can be classified by the
topological Chern invariant . This leads to the formation of chiral states at the domain walls separating two distinct
states and the connection can be made with chiral topological superconductivity.
Based on Alexander Chansky and Dmitry K. Efimkin Phys. Rev. B 108, 075433 (2023)
[Трансляция: https://zoom.us/j/96948399564?pwd=RXlKbW96Qm1tZEV6SHB0Q2JYeTdrdz09]
подробнее: http://qmeso.itp.ac.ru/seminars.php?abstract=true
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