[Landau ITP Seminars] Friday 07.09.2018

Serge Krashakov sakr at itp.ac.ru
Wed Sep 5 14:27:34 MSK 2018

Небольшое уточнение.
Повестка заседания Ученого совета в пятницу 7 сентября:

1) Доклад ВРИО директора ИТФ им. Л.Д. Ландау РАН о текущем моменте
2) Доклад Л.Н. Щура

С. Крашаков

31.08.18 11:36, Serge Krashakov пишет:
> Уважаемые сотрудники ИТФ,
> На заседании Ученого совета ИТФ в пятницу 7 сентября будет заслушан 
> доклад:
> _Lev N. Shchur_ и Liliia Ziganurova
> Synchronization of Conservative Parallel Discrete Event Simulations on 
> a Small-World Network
> We examine the question of the influence of sparse long-range 
> communications on the synchronization in parallel discrete event 
> simulations (PDES). We build a model of the evolution of local virtual 
> times (LVT) in a conservative algorithm including several choices of 
> local links. All network realizations belong to the small-world 
> network class. We find that synchronization depends on the average 
> shortest path of the network. The time profile dynamics are similar to 
> the surface profile growth, which helps to analyze synchronization 
> effects using a statistical physics approach. Without long-range links 
> of the nodes, the model belongs to the universality class of the 
> Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation for surface growth. We find that the 
> critical exponents depend logarithmically on the fraction of 
> long-range links. We present the results of simulations and discuss 
> our observations. 

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