[Landau ITP Seminars] Friday 04.09.2020
Serge Krashakov
sakr at itp.ac.ru
Tue Sep 1 17:46:18 MSK 2020
Уважаемые сотрудники, студенты и аспиранты ИТФ,
На заседании Ученого совета в пятницу 4 сентября будут заслушаны 2 доклада:
1) N.N. Nikolaev and _S.N. Vergeles _ (короткий доклад)
*Maxwell equations in curved space-time: non-vanishing magnetic field in
pure electrostatic systems*
Solutions of the Maxwell equations for electrostatic systems with
manifestly vanishing electric currents in the curved space-time for
stationary metrics are shown to exhibit a non-vanishing magnetic field
of pure geometric origin. In contrast to the conventional magnetic field
of the Earth it can not be screened away by a magnetic shielding. As an
example of practical significance we treat electrostatic systems at rest
on the rotating Earth and derive the relevant geometric magnetic field.
We comment on its impact on the ultimate precision searches of the
electric dipole moments of ultracold neutrons and of protons in all
electric storage rings.
2) _Nikolai A. Stepanov_, Mikhail A. Skvortsov
*Lyapunov exponent for Whitney's problem with random drive*
We consider the statistical properties of a non-falling trajectory in
the Whitney problem of an inverted pendulum excited by an external
force. In the case when the external force is white noise, we recently
found the instantaneous distribution function of the pendulum angle and
velocity over an infinite time interval using a transfer-matrix analysis
of the supersymmetric field theory. Here, we generalize our approach to
the case of finite time intervals and multipoint correlation functions.
Using the developed formalism, we calculate the Lyapunov exponent, which
determines the decay rate of correlations on a non-falling trajectory.
Доклады будут сопровождаться онлайн-трансляцией в Zoom, так что желающие
могут участвовать онлайн:
Meeting ID: 916 5811 6776
Passcode: 686324
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