[Landau ITP Seminars] Коллоквиум сегодня в 16:00

Serge Krashakov sakr at itp.ac.ru
Fri Nov 24 11:03:41 MSK 2023

Уважаемые коллеги,

Напоминаю, что сегодня также состоится коллоквиум, который из-за разницы 
во времени между США и Москвой начнется *в 16:00*, на котором будет 
заслушан доклад :

Tigran Sedrakyan (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
*Moat-band physics and emergent excitonic topological order in 
correlated electron-hole bilayers*

The role of the particle-particle interaction becomes increasingly 
important if the spectral band structure of a free system has increasing 
degeneracy. Ultimately, it will be the role of interactions to choose 
the state of the system. Examples include the systems with the lowest 
band having a degenerate minimum along a closed contour in the 
reciprocal space -- the Moat. A weak perturbation can set a new energy 
scale describing the state with qualitatively different properties in 
such a limit of infinite degeneracy. In this talk, I will discuss the 
general principles behind the universal properties of correlated bosons 
on moat bands, which host topological order with long-range quantum 
entanglement. In particular, I will discuss moat-band phenomena in 
shallowly inverted InAs/GaSb quantum wells, where we observe an 
unconventional time-reversal-symmetry breaking excitonic ground state 
under imbalanced electron and hole densities. I will show that the 
strong frustration of the system leads to a moat band for excitons, 
resulting in a time-reversal-symmetry breaking excitonic topological 
order, which explains all our experimental observations.

ID и пароль онлайн-трансляций в Zoom те же, что и для предыдущих 
трансляций семинаров и докладов на Ученом совете:
Meeting ID: 968 9936 4518
Пароль: 250319
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