[Landau ITP Seminars] Friday 13.12.2024

Stanislav Apostolov sapostolov at itp.ac.ru
Thu Dec 12 20:35:14 MSK 2024

Уважаемые коллеги!

На заседании Ученого совета ИТФ в пятницу 13.12 в 11:30 будет заслушан 1 
доклад (коллоквиум):

Александр Садовников (СГУ, Саратов)

Interconnection in magnonic networks: functional building blocks for an 
alternative controllable way of spin-wave and quantum computation

The content of the talk is devoted to the possible integration of 
magnonic devices and interconnection between them with the use of 
magnonics, straintronics, spin-orbitronics. In recent years much 
research has been directed towards the use of spin waves for signal 
processing at microwave and subterahertz frequencies due to the 
possibility to carry the information signal without the transmission of 
a charge current. Recent theoretical and experimental studies suggest 
that strain can be used to engineer energy-efficient complicated 2D and 
3D material and heterostructures. The main topic of the talk will be 
focused on the application of the magnonic unit for signal processing 
and interconnection routes in the magnonic networks.  The part of the 
talk will be devoted to the the experimental observations of the 
strain-mediated spin-wave coupling phenomena in different magnonic 
structures based on the asymmetric adjacent magnonic crystals, adjacent 
magnetic yttrium iron garnet stripes and array of magnetic stripes, 
which demonstrates the collective spin-wave phenomena such as the 
discrete soliton formation.  The voltage-controlled spin-wave transport 
along bilateral magnonic stripes was demonstrated. The model describing 
the spin-wave transmission response and predicting its value is proposed 
based on the self-consistent equations. It was shown that the 
strain-mediated spin-wave channels can be used to route the magnonic 
information signal and thus the composite magnon-straintronic structure 
could be used to fabricate magnonic platforms for energy-efficient 
signal processing. The obtained results open new perspectives for the 
future-generation electronics using integrated magnonic networks.

ID и пароль онлайн-трансляций в Zoom те же, что и для предыдущих 
трансляций семинаров и докладов на Ученом совете:
Meeting ID: 968 9936 4518
Пароль: 250319

На завтра 13.12.24г. в 10-05 автобус запланирован.

Место сбора 11-я парковая, поворот на Щелковское шоссе.
Форд-Транзит  А 797МА 150

тел. 8-903-019-86-80
Владимир Николаевич


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