[Landau ITP Seminars] Friday 31.01.2025
info+seminars at itp.ac.ru
info+seminars at itp.ac.ru
Tue Jan 28 10:02:01 MSK 2025
Уважаемые коллеги!
На заседании Ученого совета ИТФ в пятницу 31.01 в 11:30 будут заслушаны 2 доклада:
1). Б.Г. Захаров
Effect of color randomization on p_T broadening of fast partons in turbulent quark-gluon plasma
We analyze the effect of the parton color randomization on p_T broadening
in the quark-gluon plasma with turbulent color fields. We calculate the
transport coefficient qhat for a simplified model of fluctuating color
fields in the form of alternating sequential transverse layers with homogenous
transverse chromomagnetic fields with random orientation in the
SU(3) group and gaussian distribution in the magnitude. Our numerical
results show that the color randomization can lead to a sizable reduction of
the turbulent contribution to qhat. The magnitude of the effect grows
with increasing ratio of the electric and magnetic screening masses.
2). Б.Г. Захаров
Jet quenching for hadron-tagged jets in pA collisions
We calculate the medium modification factor I_pA
for 5.02 TeV p+Pb collisions. We use the Monte-Carlo Glauber model to
determine the parameters of the quark-gluon plasma fireball in pA
jet events. Our calculations show that the jet quenching effect for I_pA
turns out to be rather small. We have found that the theoretical I_pA as
a function of the underlying event charged multiplicity density, within errors,
agrees with data from ALICE for 5.02 TeV p+Pb collisions. However,
the experimental errors are too large to draw a firm conclusion on the possible presence of jet quenching.
ID и пароль онлайн-трансляций в Zoom те же, что и для предыдущих трансляций семинаров и докладов на Ученом совете:
Meeting ID: 968 9936 4518
Пароль: 250319
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