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Четверг 6 сентября 2018 г.<br>
Теоретический семинар в ИФП, 11:30.<br>
Denis Ullmo (LPTMS, CNRS-Universite Paris-Sud)<br>
<font size="+1"><b>Post-Ehrenfest many-body quantum interferences in
ultracold atoms far-out-of-equilibrium</b></font><br>
Recent experimental progress with ultracold atomic gases has made it
possible to investigate in exquisite detail the far
out-of-equilibrium many-body quantum dynamics of isolated systems.
This dynamics necessarily generates interferences beyond an
Ehrenfest time scale, where quantum and classical expectation values
diverge. Theoretically speaking, the heavily-relied-upon truncated
Wigner approximation leaves out these interferences.<br>
In this talk, I will present a semiclassical theory which bridges
classical and quantum concepts in many-body bosonic systems and
properly incorporates such missing quantum effects. For
mesoscopically populated Bose-Hubbard systems, this theory captures
post-Ehrenfest quantum interference phenomena very accurately.<br>
Информация о всех запланированных семинарах:<br>
<a href="http://itp.ac.ru/ru/seminars/kapitza-institute/">http://itp.ac.ru/ru/seminars/kapitza-institute/</a><br>