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Уважаемые сотрудники ИТФ,<br>
На заседании Ученого совета ИТФ в пятницу 14 апреля будет заслушан
<u>Maria S. Egorova</u> (ВНИИА им. Духова), Sergey A. Dyachkov,
Anatoliy N. Parshikov, Vasily V. Zhakhovsky<br>
<b>Parallel SPH modeling using dynamic domain decomposition and load
balancing displacement of Voronoi subdomains</b><br>
A highly adaptive load balancing algorithm for parallel simulations
using particle methods, such as molecular dynamics and smoothed
particle hydrodynamics (SPH), is developed. Our algorithm is based
on the dynamic spatial decomposition of simulated material samples
between Voronoi subdomains, where each subdomain with all its
particles is handled by a single computational process which is
typically run on a single CPU core of a multiprocessor computing
cluster. The algorithm displaces the positions of neighbor Voronoi
subdomains in accordance with the local load imbalance between the
corresponding processes. It results in particle transfers from
heavy-loaded processes to less-loaded ones. Iteration of the
algorithm puts into alignment the processor loads. Convergence to a
well-balanced decomposition from imbalanced one is improved by the
usage of multi-body terms in the balancing displacements. The high
adaptability of the balancing algorithm to simulation conditions is
illustrated by SPH modeling of the dynamic behavior of materials
under extreme conditions, which are characterized by large pressure
and velocity gradients, as a result of which the spatial
distribution of particles varies greatly in time. The higher
parallel efficiency of our algorithm in such conditions is
demonstrated by comparison with the corresponding static
decomposition of the computational domain. Our algorithm shows
almost perfect strong scalability in tests using from tens to
several thousand processes.<br>
Publications: arXiv:1805.05128v2 [physics.comp-ph] ; Computer
Physics Communications, Volume 234, January 2019, Pages 112-125 <br>
Работа выполнялась в ИТФ по гранту РНФ 14-19-01599<br>