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Уважаемые сотрудники ИТФ,<br>
На заседании Ученого совета ИТФ в пятницу 13 сентября будут
заслушаны доклады:<br>
1) Олег Андреев<br>
<b>String breaking, diquarks and medium</b><br>
I will briefly discuss some aspects of the phenomenon of string
breaking in QCD. Such a phenomenon is responsible for strong decays
of hadrons. Mainly, I focus on what happens at finite baryon
density. <br>
2) Лев Щур (короткий доклад)<br>
<b>Acceptance rate is a thermodynamic function in local Monte Carlo
We study the properties of Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations of
classical spin models with local updates. We derive analytic
expressions for the mean value of the acceptance rate of the
single-spin-flip algorithms for the one-dimensional Ising model. We
find that for the Metropolis algorithm the average acceptance rate
is a linear function of energy. We further provide numerical results
for the energy dependence of the average acceptance rate for the 3-
and 4-state Potts model, and the XY model in one and two spatial
dimensions. In all cases, the acceptance rate is an almost linear
function of the energy in the critical region. The variance of the
acceptance rate is studied as a function of the specific heat. <br>