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Уважаемые коллеги, <br>
В пятницу 19 марта в 11:30 состоится коллоквиум, на котором будут
заслушан доклад:<br>
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Benjamin Doyon (King's College London)<br>
<font size="+1"><b>The hydrodynamics of many-body integrable
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Hydrodynamics is a powerful theory for the emergent behaviour at
large wavelengths and low frequencies in many-body systems. The
theory says that only few degrees of freedom are sufficient in
order to describe what is observed at large scales of space and
time, and it provides equations for the dynamics of these
degrees of freedom. It is strongly based on the presence of
microscopic conservation laws in the many-body model, such as
conservation of energy, momentum and mass. But the standard
equations of hydrodynamics fail to describe cold atom
experiments in low dimensions. It is now understood that this is
because the model accurately describing these experiments, the
Lieb-Liniger model, is integrable. Integrable systems admit an
extensive number of conservation laws, which must be taken into
account in the emergent hydrodynamic theory. Recently this
hydrodynamic theory, dubbed ``generalised hydrodynamics”, has
been developed. In this colloquium, I will review fundamental
aspects of hydrodynamics and the main idea and equations of
generalised hydrodynamics, with the simple example of the
quantum Lieb-Liniger model. I will discuss recent cold-atom
experiments that confirm the theory, and some of the exact
results that can be obtained with this formalism, such as exact
nonequilibrium steady states and exact asymptotic of correlation
functions at large space-time separations in Gibbs and
generalised Gibbs states.
Доклад будет сопровождаться онлайн-трансляцией в Zoom. ID и
пароль те же, что и для предыдущих трансляций:<a
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Meeting ID: 968 9936 4518<br>
Пароль: 250319<br>